« If we fight, we fight. But I do Not have enemies. »
Midnight † Agender : they/them † Asexual, Panromantic
The robotic child of Neo and Shadow, built to be free.
Find Tumblr posts about them under the tag "Midnight the Android".
AKA: Night
Gender: Null, they/them
Species: Android (Hedgehog?)
Affiliation: Family
Alignment: True Neutral
Neo made them as xer successor, also using biodata from Shadow. They are well loved by their family. They eventually become a traveller and people watcher.
Likes: stars, nature, learning, gossip
Dislikes: conflict, sudden loud noises
Favorite color: #1D1689 (Blue)
Abilities: Shapeshifting, Chaos Energy Manipulation, flight, speed
Fun fact: They've likely spent more time with Orchid and Cupid than with their parents.
Main Relationships: Neo (mother) & Shadow (parent); Orchid, Cupid & Shard (uncles); Rouge & Omega (loose family/housemates)
Midnight is quiet and distant, often glaring and standing very tense. Even ignoring their dark quills with splashes of aposematic coloration, they look very intimidating.
So the people that give them a chance are usually surprised to find that they're fairly friendly. Almost robotically polite, even, and very patient. They're still quiet, but it makes them a good listener.
When talking to someone new, Midnight has a habit of 'mirroring' them in some way.
Their initial appearance might keep them from having a lot of friends, but their few friends are close friends they will reach out to often. Usually to show them something that made them think of them. They're surprisingly affectionate, too.
They have no concept of 'friendship decay'; once they consider someone a friend, they will continue to consider them a friend unless it's made very clear they aren't friends anymore.
Midnight is very curious. They love learning new things, no matter how small or unimportant. Especially gossip. It's one of few things they can't simply look up. They won't repeat it, and will keep a secret like an oath, but their fascination with gossip has led them to a bit more than casual eavesdropping. It's hard to keep a secret from them.
Their tail is probably the easiest way to read their body language. They'll flick their tail when annoyed or bored, and it curls up when they're happy. They curl their tail around themself when they're nervous, a habit picked up from Orchid. They've also picked up his nervous hand wringing, and Cupid's curious head tilt.
Midnight's voice is soft, what would be considered 'breathy' (though it's only simulated by a voice chip), vaguely androgynous but maybe feminine leaning. They've also picked up Orchid's accent.
They tend to be quiet, but they're decently good at changing their volume to be audible over the environment. If they're speaking, they want it to be heard. Otherwise they wouldn't speak.
They use contractions most of the time, but sometimes they'll say the separate words; usually when speaking slower, if thinking, or for emphasis.
Midnight was asked to choose their gender, and they... didn't. It was one of those things that didn't interest them; never has and probably never will. Their gender is still left as a blank variable to this day.
Full Description
A dark blue hedgehog with star-shaped streaks on their quills. Their four quills are cropped relatively short. The top quill and the two on each side curl up and have white streaks. The lower middle quill, often hidden behind the two side ones, curls down a bit and has a red streak. Their ears are red, and they wear red eyeliner pointed up. Their eyes are a very bright red. Their nose looks sharp.
Their muzzle, arms, and a hollow circle marking on their chest are all brown, with a slightly redder spot on their cheeks. White fluff covers their shoulders and stretches across their chest, cropped in the middle to not cover the chest marking. The topmost back spine curls up and has a white tip, and the one below it sticks straight out and is entirely red. They have a long tail with a red tip and white fluff which sticks out on opposite sides. They wear long fingerless gloves that come up to their elbows and boots that come up to their knees, the latter heavily modelled after Shadow's air skates. Both the gloves and boots are primarily blue and have white laces over red. Both also have jewelry resembling Shadow's inhibitor rings. Their fingers are very sharp. Any part of them which is white glows in the dark, along with the red of their eyes.
Exact Palette
Dark Quills [#1f1d40]; White Quills (actually a very pale blue) [#def4fe]; Red Quills [#e00e0e]; Brown Fur [#a36441]; Cheek Spot [#9e4f33]; Blue Clothing [#1d1689]; Golden Rings [#fedc00]; Eye Outline [#5f2018]; Eye Color [#ff0000]

Midnight has technology copied directly from Neo's own body and was made with Shadow's biodata, so they have just about any ability either parent has.
From Neo's side, they have a special chip allowing them to control their nanobot body very precisely. Allowing them to shapeshift. It should be noted, though, that they have size limits in both directions. They have to work with what material they have, and all of it. Denser packing may allow them to get smaller, but it will also decrease airflow and risk overheating more easily. Conversely, spreading material thinner can make them larger, but more brittle. These are problems also faced by their mother, of course.
Often hidden by their mobian-passing form, they also have a very powerful jet engine, every bit as good as their mother's. They can copy the biodata of others, allowing them to copy other people's abilities if they so wish. The most common is Orchid's psychokinesis (itself first copied from Silver's biodata).
They also have technology copied from Shadow's air skates, allowing them to travel fast on the ground, too. Which method they prefer to use depends on energy levels (flight is more taxing) and environment (skating can be more difficult in, par example, a forest). They of course don't need real inhibitor rings. Any necessary inhibitor technology was built directly into their body, and wouldn't need to be visible. The rings are merely an homage.
Inherited from Shadow, they can absorb and manipulate Chaos Energy. They can store it as Chaos Energy and convert it to the normal energy that runs the rest of their body. Depending on availability/ease of charging and average level of energy demand, they may choose to split the amount that's stored vs the amount that's converted differently. Once their stores are full, though, any surplus is automatically converted to regular energy. If they commit all intake to their normal battery, and keep energy consumption low on average, they could run off Chaos Energy alone in perpetuity.
Stored Chaos Energy can be used to safely perform abilities like Chaos Control without a Chaos Emerald. It takes a while to build up that much energy, though, so they still can't do that often. Unless, that is, they have a Chaos Emerald. This of course negates the need to charge, too; the surplus of energy gained from an Emerald even tends to make them a bit hyper.
They, of course, also have abilities typical of all badniks in this story; being able to connect to the internet wirelessly and communicate silently with other robots through something similar to Bluetooth. They run on a similar system to Neo's ChaOS, so normal computer viruses don't work on them; it would have to be specialized for one of them somehow, which would be very hard to do without having access to one of their systems.
For more about the other characters, I'd suggest reading the main page for this story.
Neo (mother)
Neo created Midnight to be a powerful and worthy successor, with the hopes they would ultimately surpass xen. Most importantly, xe wanted them to have the freedom to choose their own "purpose". Xe treats them like a normal child, for the most part. Despite continuing to talk about them in terms of superior ability. (How else does one express pride?)
Neo is generally proud of Midnight, though xe often finds their choices hard to understand. Xe considers this a good sign. Their AI was never poisoned by a pointless grudge like xers. Unfortunately, it also means that Neo is resigned to thinking xe could never understand them, so xe doesn't tend to try.
Neo is so careful not to "override their free will" that xe rarely offers real guidance. Midnight finds this somewhat frustrating, despite accepting it as a struggle that comes with their purpose.
Midnight desperately wants to fulfill their purpose and make Neo proud. But finding a purpose is hard. They usually try to focus on other things. One of the few pieces of advice Neo has given them is that one can find a new purpose unexpectedly, and that it may come to them rather than being properly found.
Shadow (parent)
Despite not being aware of them before they were running (and being slightly affronted Neo used their biodata without asking), Shadow has a strong affection for Midnight. And while they don't initially consider Shadow a parent, they accept them taking that role very easily.
They help them learn how to use their air skates properly, and take them out to enjoy nature. Midnight appreciates nature a bit differently from their parent, wanting to understand how everything works rather than simply sitting in the moment, but they do still appreciate it and enjoy the time spent with Shadow.
They try to give Midnight good advice and lead them to be a good person. Midnight worries about disappointing them sometimes, and tries not to show weakness around them, reflecting one of Shadow's less helpful character traits.
Orchid & Cupid (uncles)
While Neo and Shadow were busy with Team Dark business, Orchid and Cupid took it upon themselves to babysit Midnight when they were new. Despite being uncles, the two act more like older siblings to them, likely because they're only around four years older than them. They still try to be good role models, though.
Due to spending more time with them than anyone else, Midnight ends up picking up a lot from; mannerisms, interests, even Orchid's accent. They're the only people Midnight is particularly "playful" around.
Cupid, being the more affectionate twin, is usually a bit more supportive. She likes showing Midnight the things that she likes, hoping Midnight will like them too.
Being the most affectionate person in their family overall, Midnight picks up most of their methods of showing affection from him. They also copy her curious head tilt.
Orchid loves Midnight dearly, and he can certainly be sensitive and gentle with them, especially when they were new or when they're upset. But his love often manifests through teasing. Midnight sometimes finds this annoying, but ultimately loves him too.
Midnight picked up a lot from him. His accent, yes, but mostly his nervous mannerisms. Clasping their hands and wrapping their tail around their legs are both things they picked up from him.
Rouge (family)
Rouge was somewhat annoyed to have yet another robot in her house suddenly, as the robot population was already spiralling out of control since Neo brought Orchid along, but Midnight is a very sweet kid and manages to win her over.
Or maybe it's Midnight reflecting her polite and appeasing outer mask. She may be the first other than Neo to notice how much they mirror whoever they're interacting with. She wonders if it's because they're new, or because they're a robot, or if they're just trying to get people to like them. She can see herself in them.
While the two aren't particularly close, they get along pretty well. Having lived with Rouge their whole existence, Midnight considers her family. Not in any specific way, like aunt or godmother or so on; just family.
Omega (family)
Omega is somewhat relieved to have a sapient robot around that is, unequivocally, not an Eggman Robot. It means he doesn't have to come up with an exception for why he doesn't destroy them. He is, however, disappointed that a robot with all the power of Neo and Shadow wants to play pacifist most of the time. He often attempts to convince them to try fighting.
Rather than mirroring his violence, they mirror his stubbornness and become more adamant about being peaceful. This he respects - a robot that can stand up for their principles - but it still creates a feedback loop of steadfast insistence.
Midnight interprets this as Omega caring about them, albeit in a strange way. Nothing they're not used to given their mother. So they do appreciate it to some degree. Having lived with Omega their whole existence, Midnight considers him family. Not in any specific way, like uncle or brother or so on; just family.
Shard (uncle)
Shard was ecstatic to learn about them. Being older than Neo even, he takes a more proper uncle role than Orchid and Cupid. He also attempts to be a mentor, wanting to teach them how to fly and shoot, since they can copy his arm cannon. He loves his neicew dearly.
He hopes they'll become a hero like him, but he tries not to push it too much. Midnight does look up to him, and most often goes to him when they need advice.
They also share a very uncommon trait, both being robots made with biodata from an organic. There are a few unique struggles this can cause, things that - for now - they can only relate to each other on.
Shard is always insistent that it's only their choice to raise Midnight as their child that makes Neo and Shadow their parents. It takes a while for Midnight to realize that he's probably uncomfortable with the idea of Eggman and Sonic being his parents.
Neo created Midnight to be a powerful and worthy successor, but most importantly, xe wanted them to have the freedom to choose their own "purpose".
Shadow wasn't directly involved with their creation. Neo used the biodata of The Ultimate Lifeform when creating xer perfect little warrior, supposedly without considering the social implications. No one batted an eye when Eggman used Sonic's to make Shard. And Shadow accepts this explanation. After all, Gerald did the same with Black Doom's DNA, right?
Neo of course didn't expect Shadow to take a parental role with the child. Xe wouldn't expect that without expressed agreement, much less with them having no knowledge of the child before they were running. It's Shadow who tells the robot they are their parent. They help them learn how to use their air skates properly, and take them out to enjoy nature.
Shadow and Neo are, of course, often quite busy with Team Dark business. While Midnight's AI is never quite immature enough that it would be dangerous to leave them alone for a day, Orchid and Cupid often take it upon themselves to babysit them. They enjoy spending time with their neicew, anyway.
The twins end up acting more as older siblings to them.
First brush with Romance
Given the unconventional nature of their parents' relationship, Midnight's first experience with romance (and with eavesdropping) is when Orchid introduces them to Tails when they're five days old. After a while, Tails very clearly attempts to distract them and then brings Orchid somewhere else, so they quietly follow.
The most notable thing they overhear is actually Orchid calling himself an "evil robot". Asking about it after they're caught leads to them finding out where their family comes from, and about the Eggman Empire in general.
Questions about hand holding are stubbornly stumbled around, however. They have to ask Cupid about it later, who is affronted Orchid didn't tell him something, but now they're Having A Moment so Midnight's questions are pushed aside again.
They finally ask their mother, who repeats the definition of romance that Omega gave xen once; "A type of social contract between two or more people, often with agreements about exclusivity for certain actions considered 'intimate' and also who else the parties can enter a similar relationship with."
Midnight finds this definition lacking because it doesn't seem to account for Orchid and Tails' embarrassment, nor Cupid's hurt that she wasn't told about it. Neo can only tell them that organics are weird about things sometimes and romance is something they're particularly weird about.
Midnight points out the 2 out of 3 of the people 'being weird' about this were, in fact, not organics. Neo says, "Not for a lack of trying."
Further questions to why Orchid was so dodgy about it are answered with more dodging, because now he's embarrassed he was so embarrassed.
Cupid is more forthcoming for once, telling them he just wants to know what's going on in his twin's life and this is a big deal.
Midnight leaves the day with their knowledge on the subject of romance being: Omega's definition; people are weird about it; it's a big deal.
Shard is ecstatic to learn about them. He immediately appoints himself 'Uncle Shard' and decides he has to be the coolest, most fun uncle ever. They can copy his arm cannon, so he also tries to teach them how to shoot while flying.
Midnight pretends to be Shadow when they step in to save random people. They don't really want to get a reputation for being a hero. It sounds stressful. They made the split moment decision to pin it on their parent once and it worked fine, so they never changed it.
Depending on what's going on, it might be ideal to impersonate someone else (Shard to use an arm cannon and/or fly; Sonic if they're trying to distract Eggman or a badnik, etc), but their default is Shadow.
Shadow is ideal because - unlike Neo - Midnight isn't the best actor. Between Shadow being generally mysterious (so the populace only has a vague estimation of their personality) and Midnight acting similarly anyway, it's an easy match. Shard and Sonic both tend to hang around after saving people, either to check up on them or "just to quip at them" as Neo says, and Midnight can't pull that off very well.
They eventually become a habitual traveler wandering the planet, keeping in touch with their family and friends through messages and frequent visits. They rarely talk to strangers, preferring to keep a distance and even stand on rooftops to watch from afar, but people still slowly start to notice them. Not having any context for their existence but finding their presence creepy, people think of them similar to a cryptid and assign various omens to their appearance. There are multiple "fan theories" about their nature and backstory. They find this very amusing.
* Their primary, mobian-passing form is not their "true" form. They have a standard form much more similar to their mother's standard form.
* They also have a go-to "flight form", which reveals their engine but isn't entirely mechanical. It has a cyborg look.
* Their favorite song is "The Wind Can Be Still" from Stardew Valley.
* Their back quills are shaped and colored to resemble their engine, much like their mother.
* Their tail is inspired by that of Metal Overlord. As such, their form may be considered part dragon rather than purely hedgehog.
* Midnight's super form was inspired by the song "Borealis" by Madeon. It's a song that more represents Neo's view of them than the way they view themself.
* Their arms are brown because they have no association with the Black Arms. (Yes, that design choice was made by a goofy pun. But it looks good too.)
* I had the idea for them for a long while, but their design was only finalized (on the 19th of April 2024) because of the Sonic Fankid Showdown on Tumblr.
* The decision to make them agender was a non-decision. I kept putting off deciding their gender because there were more interesting things to consider about them. So I just made that canon.
* Midnight has one of the biggest differences between their main visual design in the White Orchid and NBE timelines.

Their standard form.