Princess Voxel NeoBadnik
Unit ID: SB-3
AKA: Vox
Pronouns: she/her
AI Line: Metal Shapebot (Social Unit)
Affiliation: NeoBadnik Empire
Occupation: 3D Design
Voxel is very excitable and playful. She is very affectionate and cares a lot about her family and friends.
She tends to react in jokingly over-dramatic ways, but has shapebot-typical discomfort with interpersonal conflicts.
As the second oldest child of the Empress, she would theoretically be in line for the throne, but she seems to have little interest in that. Likely because it would imply losing her mother and sister.
Unlike them, she doesn't use her title very often. She says it "feels a bit goofy" when used for her, possibly because she associates it with either filling a major political role or the general princess stereotype, neither of which she fits. In line with that, she most often refers to herself as a princess in the context of jokes, or occasionally when drawing attention to her lineage.
She tends to speak in long, run-on sentences with few pauses, and types in a very informal and expressive manner.
On any occasion she has been upset, half her frustration seems to be with fact that she is upset. She might get this from Xenon.
Body Line: Neo Metal Shapebot
Major features: Shapeshifting, Engine
Physical Description
A cube metal shapebot resembling a husky puppy. Unlike Cubot, her edges aren't smoothed down, giving her an almost low-poly look. She is yellow, red, and dark purple, with cyan lighting. She has a small jet engine in her chest, the back of which can retract to lie flat with her plating and both sides can be covered by an iris aperture. Her tail has three segments, and is around knee length. She has retractable rollerskate-style wheels in her feet.
Exact Palette
Dark Purple Metal [#290054]; Yellow Metal [#ECE400]; Red Metal [#CE0700]; Silver Metal [#D9FBFF]; Cyan [#00FFFF];
ⓘColors used on a model usually have to be adjusted to appear the same in 2D. Colors for metallic materials often appear too bright in 2D. Contrarily, colors used for glowing materials are usually far too dull in 2D.

Voxel has the ability to shapeshift. She also has electrokinesis, which she isn't as proficient with.
Her engine isn't quite as powerful as other models in her line, so it isn't exactly suitable for flight. She prefers to use it with her skates, staying grounded.
She, of course, also has abilities typical of all badniks; being able to connect to the internet wirelessly and communicate silently with other robots through something similar to Bluetooth.
Code Sources: Cubot, Orbot, Xenon
Voxel's early existence is mysterious. She is theorised to have come into existence due to nanobot mixing. This phenomenon was not noted or even suspected before her existence.
Cubot suggested the name "Aphid" for her, rhyming with the aliases Orchid and Cupid. She used that name for a short time before changing her name to Voxel as she developed more of a sense of herself.
Early on she was thought to only have inherited code from Orbot and Cubot, before it came to light that she has electrokinesis and runs in ChaOS. After finding this out, she quickly latched on to Xenon as her mother and Starlight as her older sister, both of whom reciprocated this new familial connection despite the initial surprise. She also updated her design to have an engine.
Additional Notes
* She shares her hardware with a second AI named Tri, who typically appears as a hologram. Her name is derived from tri(angle)s, the more common alternative to the voxel rendering method. They share a paired unit bond, though it could be considered redundant given they already share a body.
* Part of the reasoning Voxel gave for her name choice was that she was a lot like Cubot, and "a voxel is a little cube". This still makes Cubot tear up.
* She changes her form frequently. This might be due to her young age, her lack of a base form giving her a fluid idea of her body, or due to her interest in character design extending to re-designing herself.
* Her voice was inspired by the character Hashtag, from Transformers: Earthspark.