Princess Starlight NeoBadnik
« I can not leave my people, my family. They need me. »
Starlight † Demigirl : xe/them † Asexual
The eternal Princess of the Neo Badnik Empire.
Starlight can be very intimidating at first glance. Xe towers above most mobians with sharp horns and bright red eyes, and xer voice is loud and commanding. Within the Empire, however, xe has a reputation for being very proper and polite.
They tend to move with a careful grace, and actually quite enjoy dancing. Any clothes they wear are typically designed to flow with fluid movements.
They have a strong sense of duty and loyalty to their Empire. While not being the one in power, they still take an important role as a representative of the Empire's inner circle. They try to make a good impression, both to outsiders and their own subjects.
Xer younger siblings are very different from xen, owing largely to them being more shapebots than metal series. They still get along very well.
The most apt comparison for xer voice would likely be Hornet, from Hollow Knight.
A dark blue hedgehog with star-shaped streaks on their quills. Their four quills are cropped relatively short. The top quill and the two on each side curl up and have white streaks. The lower middle quill, often hidden behind the two side ones, curls down a bit and has a red streak. Their ears are red, and they wear red eyeliner pointed up. Their eyes are sharp red circles on a dark screen. Their nose looks sharp.
Their muzzle and arms are a shiny steel gray despite moving like flesh, with a red spot on their cheeks. Their intake is yellow. The cover for the exhaust of their engine has a white tip, and the part in the middle is red, while the rest is yellow. They have a long tail with a red tip and white blades similar to those of a halberd.
White pauldrons cover their shoulders. They wear a golden necklace with dangling star-shaped adornments. A sheer red cape with a gold trim hangs from the pauldrons, tucked into a golden belt with white spikes. They wear long fingerless gloves that come up to their elbows and boots that come up to their knees, the latter loosely modelled after Shadow's air skates. Both the gloves and boots are primarily blue and have red stipes. Both also have jewelry resembling Shadow's inhibitor rings with white spikes. Their fingers are very sharp. Any part of them which is white glows in the dark, along with their optics. They sometimes wear a golden tiara with white spikes.
Exact Palette
Dark Quills [#1f1d40]; White Quills (actually a very pale blue) [#def4fe]; Red Quills [#e00e0e]; Metal [#9db0c7]; Red Clothing [#c40000]; Blue Clothing [#180078]; Golden Rings [#fedc00]; Optic Screen [#2c0112]; Eye Color [#ff0000]

Starlight has technology copied directly from Xenon's own body and was made with Shadow's biodata, so they have just about any ability either of them has.
From Xenon's side, they have a special chip allowing them to control their nanobot body very precisely. Allowing them to shapeshift. It should be noted, though, that they have size limits in both directions. They have to work with what material they have, and all of it. Denser packing may allow them to get smaller, but it will also decrease airflow and risk overheating more easily. Conversely, spreading material thinner can make them larger, but more brittle. These are problems also faced by their mother, of course.
Often hidden by their organic-passing form, they also have a very powerful jet engine, every bit as good as their mother's. They can copy the biodata of others, allowing them to copy other people's abilities if they so wish.
They also have technology copied from Shadow's air skates, allowing them to travel fast on the ground, too. Which method they prefer to use depends on energy levels (flight is more taxing) and environment (skating can be more difficult in, par example, a forest). They of course don't need real inhibitor rings. Any necessary inhibitor technology was built directly into their body, and wouldn't need to be visible. The rings are merely an homage.
Inherited from Shadow, they can absorb and manipulate Chaos Energy. They can store it as Chaos Energy and convert it to the normal energy that runs the rest of their body. Depending on availability/ease of charging and average level of energy demand, they may choose to split the amount that's stored vs the amount that's converted differently. Once their stores are full, though, any surplus is automatically converted to regular energy. If they commit all intake to their normal battery, and keep energy consumption low on average, they could run off Chaos Energy alone in perpetuity.
Stored Chaos Energy can be used to safely perform abilities like Chaos Control without a Chaos Emerald. It takes a while to build up that much energy, though, so they still can't do that often. Unless, that is, they have a Chaos Emerald. This of course negates the need to charge, too; the surplus of energy gained from an Emerald even tends to make them a bit hyper.
They, of course, also have abilities typical of all badniks in this story; being able to connect to the internet wirelessly and communicate silently with other robots through something similar to Bluetooth.
Xenon created Starlight to be an heir to the throne, and rule the Empire in xer abscence, were that ever necessary. They were creating during a tumultuous time for the Empire, and for Xenon in particular.
Shadow had passed quite a while before Starlight's creation,
* Their default form is closer to a Shadow Android than a Metal Series build.
* They were once considered an alternate version of Midnight, despite existing far later in their world than Midnight.