
« There's no freedom more precious than flight. »

Revali † Rito Man : he/him

I have my own Tumblr now.

Whatever Kris's qualms with me being here, whatever reason they may have had, I'm here now. Unfortunately. Trapped in a flightless body, paling in comparison even to hylians. Truly unfortunate.
I front about as often as Kris, even if they tend to take control in social interactions.

Dimensio requests that we play games in French when available. Because of this, we're more familiar with – and I identify more with – the way I'm characterised in the French translation of my source. I have no memories of the "Age of Calamity" timeline.

Whatever Kris's past interests and interactions may lead you to assume, I had and have no romantic interest in Link. I already had a mate, a fellow rito warrior named Alo, before I even met Link.

If you're here about a shared past, I'm open to talking. You can message me through my Tumblr or by messaging our shared Discord and asking for me.

If you're here for an apology, Link, I'm sorry. You did nothing to me to deserve my hostility. You did nothing to me whatsoever, in fact, up to that point. I have nothing to gain from maintaining a grudge against someone who's only "crime" was doing nothing.
You freed Medoh, you protected my village, you saved all of Hyrule. Excellent job, sword well earned.
All that said, I still knew next to nothing about you. If you want to change that, be my guest.